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Tuesday 24 November 2020

SongKong 6.11 Floodland Released 16th November 2020


We are pleased to announce the release of SongKong 6.11 Floodland, named after The Sisters of Mercys goth masterpiece released in 1987.

This release is mainly small improvements and bug fixes.

Most notably we make some inprovements to the import of metadata from Naim Wav files. We fix an issue whereby Delete Duplicates would always stop if didn’t complete after one hour, made some improvements to the Delete Duplicates report and we handle some occasional issues with Fix Songs.


  • [SONGKONG-2097] - Problems writing metadata for DSF files larger than 2GB

  • [SONGKONG-2098] - SongChangesReport:java.lang.NullPointerException

  • [SONGKONG-2103] - Duplicate record written to SongDiff table, looks like related to renaming file to duplicate

  • [SONGKONG-2105] - Invalid coverart error doesnt tell you what the problem file is

  • [SONGKONG-2108] - Delete Duplicates doesnt show fullpath of moved file so not clear which one is

  • [SONGKONG-2109] - Delete Duplicates doesnt load all songs, if takes more than 1 hour to load them all.

  • [SONGKONG-2112] - Double processing of files at Save stage related to DiscogsUpdate

  • [SONGKONG-2115] - Naim Matching, add to Errors and Warnings if unable to map from songs to cddbinfo.txt for some reason

  • [SONGKONG-2116] - Naim Matching, better parsing of filename when named as a multi-disc album


  • [SONGKONG-2088] - Linux:Move to Java 14 

    [SONGKONG-2106] - Naim UserEdits only does track mapping if have cddbinfo.txt or amginfo.xml file 

    [SONGKONG-2117] - Try and create artist artwork folder if parent exists instead of complaining it doesn't exists


Monday 27 July 2020

SongKong 6.10 Odelay Released July 23rd 2020

We are pleased to announce the release of SongKong 6.10 Odelay, named after my favourite album by Beck released in 1996.

The main purpose of this release is to introduce a brand new Windows installer, solving most installer issues.

We also remove the Izpack linux installer because this required a windowed system to run the installer and did not install desktop shortcuts properly, for now we just provide a simple tar installer that can be extracted to preferred location.

There are also a number of important bug fixes.



  • [SONGKONG-0605] - Installer:Rationalise short cuts created during Windows installation
  • [SONGKONG-1359] - Windows/Linux:Applescript warning
  • [SONGKONG-1581] - Windows:Self Extracting Zip installer does not always work
  • [SONGKONG-1687] - Windows:Uninstaller doesnt work properly
  • [SONGKONG-1996] - Linux:Izpack Installer could run as console but missing console impl of FinishPanel
  • [SONGKONG-2069] - songkong64.bat doesnt work on first install, need to run songkong64.ini first
  • [SONGKONG-2071] - Windows:javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure
  • [SONGKONG-2072] - Possible for song to try and save same song twice, must be issue with SingleSong match, DiscogsSongMatch
  • [SONGKONG-2073] - Check Version doesnt show if have current version updates period.
  • [SONGKONG-2076] - Mandatory fields such as MB RECORDING ID and MB RELEASE ID are missing from Status Report
  • [SONGKONG-2077] - NullPointerException at org.jaudiotagger.tag.mp4.field.Mp4GenreField
  • [SONGKONG-2078] - StatusReport says unreported error if just unable to load an audio file (because corrupt)
  • [SONGKONG-2080] - Melco:Fix Songs Progress bars dont seem to be updating even though SongKong working
  • [SONGKONG-2083] - Drop in users internet connection caused NullPointerException
  • [SONGKONG-2085] - Remote:Watch Songs progress not updating as songs fixed.

Sunday 5 July 2020

Jaikoz 10.1.0 Released July 5th 2020

Jaikoz 10.1.0 Pavement is now available for all platforms

Major MacOS Changes


We now support Dark Mode

and Apple Music App


and MacOS Notarization

Major Windows Changes

We now use a new installer, this is a much more robust installer that works better with Windows


Metadata Tagging

New version of tagging library containing over forty fixes for reading and modifying audio files.

Java Changes

We have moved from Java 8 to Java 11, this provides many fixes and improvements delivered with Java 11. It also means that we can provide a smaller Java Runtime containing only the libraries that Jaikoz needs

Note Java 11 also means we no longer support Windows 32bit, since this is not available with Java 11

  • [JAIKOZ-1189] - OSX:Issue with About and Quit handler
  • [JAIKOZ-1202] - MacOS:Formatting of some Preferences tabs not quite right
  • [JAIKOZ-1215] - MacOS:Quit Handler Exception
  • [JAIKOZ-1218] - Removal of Lock on Save can cause problems with M4as because can use temporary files.
  • [JAIKOZ-1239] - Not respecting Only allow match if all songs on album are matched option when matching directly from MusicBrainz
  • [JAIKOZ-1249] - MacOS:Cannot configure Player app because chooser doesnt let you select Application folders
  • [JAIKOZ-1251] - Fixes for Music Tagging Library
  • [JAIKOZ-1265] - MacOS:iTunes Add New Tracks sometimes complaining nexttrack not defined


  • [JAIKOZ-887 ] - Add way of marking Tracks as Instrumental
  • [JAIKOZ-1184] - OSX:Font size on detail panel only smaller than it used to be
  • [JAIKOZ-1237] - MacOS Mojave and later:Add Support for Dark Mode
  • [JAIKOZ-1252 1] - Update to Java 11
  • [JAIKOZ-1253] - MacOS:Add support for stricter MacOS Notarization controls
  • [JAIKOZ-1254] - MacOS:Add Support for Music app instead of iTunes
  • [JAIKOZ-1255] - Remove support for Windows 32bit version
  • [JAIKOZ-1257] - Build custom Java runtime with only the classes needed
  • [JAIKOZ-1262] - MacOS:Remove Cross-Platform option for MacOS
  • [JAIKOZ-1263] - Move to latest version of OneMusic Image Archive
  • [JAIKOZ-1264] - MacOS:Preferences:MusicBrainz:Format is not formatted correctly on MacOS

Friday 24 April 2020

SongKong 6.9 Released - April 24th 2020

SongKong 6.9 Released - April 24th 2020

We are pleased to announce the release of SongKong 6.9 Mercury, named after the album by American Music Club released in 1993.

Java 8 to Java 11

In order to resolve various issues this new release now uses Java 11 instead of Java 8 , this was a major change that required alot of work behind the scenes.
It also means that:

  • There is no Windows 32bit version because does not exist for Java 11 onwards
  • SongKong is no longer compatible with Java 8, used by some linux users


Improvements for MinimServer and Classical

We have added some new options design for classical music customers using SongKong with MinimServer uPNP server.

Add Composer to start of Overall Work, this is used by MinimServer for indexing Classical Works
When using MinimServer uPNP server to play your classical music with the SongKong Classical profile enabling this option will show the composer as part of the work name in the Work index. This can be very usual for distinguishing between completely different works with very similar names written by different composers.

Add Composer to start of MinimServer Group, this is used by MinimServer for playing Classical Works
When you play a Classical work with MinimServer uPNP server enabling this option will show the composer when you play the group corresponding to the work. This can be very usual for distinguishing between completely different works with very similar names written by different composers. Because MinimServer only allows groups for work containing multiple contiguous movements enabling this option also includes adding the composer to title if the work has no movements.


Other Classical Improvements and Fixes

Classical compilations album could end up with unwieldy album titles if the Add Composer to start of Album Title options was used, so now we limit to use a maximum of three composers in the album title.


Improvements for Mp4 Processing

Before this release SongKong would sometimes have to use tmp files when modifying mp4 audio files, this could cause issues due to operating system permissions. Now we no longer need to use tmp files this is more reliable and quicker than the old

Monday 3 February 2020

SongKong 6.8 Rumours - released January 31st 2020

Please to announce SongKong 6.8 Rumours now released

Mainly a bug fix release ,full details here

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