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Wednesday 30 March 2022

SongKong 8.2 Forever Released March 30th 2022


We are pleased to announce major release SongKong 8.2 Forever

This release has alot of improvements and fixes

FanArt Cover Art

In this release we have added FanArt.tv as a cover art source, FanArt provide high quality 1000x1000px images, if CoverArtArchive cannot provide an image of this size then we check FanArt.

We have also fixed a problem with the Cover Art Archive that preventing us retrieving images if MusicBrainz still used the http url instead of the https url.

As a result of these changes you should noticeably more and better quality album artwork with this release.

Native Mac M1 Build

We now provide a native build for the new Apple M1 cpu so you can now run SongKong on newer macs without having to use Rosetta 2, this will give much better performance.

We also fix an issue with the fingerprinter (Acoustid), this was not working properly for the M1 cpus.

Dark Mode

We now support Dark Mode on all platforms, we also use a new Look and Feel called FlatLaf on all platforms

And on MacOS the default option of Match Appearance will automatically match the Apples General:Appearance setting.

Windows Release

We have fixed the issue that caused you to have to run SongKongGui to run SongKong without the Dos window. You can now run SongKong, if you are asked to run the command window for debugging purposes you can now use SongKongDebug

Latest Java Version

All platforms have now been updated to use the latest Java version, this means various underlying Java issues are resolved and that we can make use of the latest Java features when developing SongKong.


SONGKONG-2295 Delete Reports can take a while if have many report but cursor is not changed can look like SongKong has crashed

SONGKONG-2291 Parsing filename for metadata doesnt deal properly with additional '.' characters in filename

SONGKONG-2288 Null error when nothing in FieldToDelete option

SONGKONG-2287 Not seeming to match to MusicBrainz Album only Discogs when songs have good metadata but not album folders

SONGKONG-2283 SongKong unable to get MusicBrainz coverart when original url is http and redirects to https

SONGKONG-2279 Occasional FileRename Error:Null PointerException

SONGKONG-2278 Include instrument arranger in arranger field

SONGKONG-2248 Windows:Main SongKong application should be SongKong not SongKongGui

SONGKONG-2181 Need to protect against user having all songs in a single folder and the increased memory load required


SONGKONG-2296 Processing superlarge folder can take a long time to get going if no metadata because may submit as one group

SONGKONG-2293 Need to move Fingerprinting to fpcalc 1.5.1 to get Mac M1 chipset support

SONGKONG-2292 Change the default max size of artwork to 1200 so dont need to resize if getting large thumbnails from Caa

SONGKONG-2286 Add support for Fanart.tv Cover art

SONGKONG-2285 Add support for Dark Mode for Windows and Linux

SONGKONG-2284 Use FlatLaf LookAndFeel for all platforms

SONGKONG-2282 When add performers from Discogs they should be added alphabetically

SONGKONG-2269 Update all platforms to Java 17 LTS

SONGKONG-2158 Add MacOS M1 Build

SONGKONG-2092 Replace standard Nashorn Javascript with standalone GitHub version

Tuesday 22 March 2022

Jaikoz 11.4 Blur released March 22nd 2022

Jaikoz 11.4 Blur released March 22nd 2022

Only three improvements/fixes but all very important ones.

Acoustid Fingerprinting on MacoS
Acoustid fingerprinting is a core part of the Jaikoz matching algorithm, it allows us to identify song without any existing metadata and cross check against matches using metadata. Last year Apple released the M1 cpu and although Jaikoz can run on the M1 using Rosetta emulation the fingerprinting is provided as a independent tool and have only recently discovered this didn’t work on M1.

This is fixed with this release, if you are using Jaikoz with a new Apple computer that has the M1 chip then you need to upgrade to 11.4 for Jaikoz to work properly.

Also until this release Jaikoz on MacOS could not fingerprint WAV files, this is also now resolved.

Better Artwork with fanart.tv
In the last release we added support for cover art from fanart.tv, artwork from here is guaranteed to 1000 x 1000 pixels and to be top quality. But we only checked fanart if we coudn’t get any artwork from the Cover Art archive used by MusicBrainz, but now we will also check fananrt if there was artwork from MusicBrainz but it was smaller than 1000 pixels.

So in this release you should see significantly better artwork for many of your releases.

To guarantee this we recommend running Advanced:Empty Cache the first time you start Jaikoz 11.4



JAIKOZ-1404 MACOS:Add support for Acoustid fingerprinting of Wav files

JAIKOZ-1403 If CoverArt from CAA is less than 1000 pixels in size look on FanArt for better Image

JAIKOZ-1402 Need to move Fingerprinting to fpcalc 1.5.1 to get Mac M1 chipset support


Jaikoz 11.3.0 Ride released March 14th 2022


We have a new Jaikoz release with some improvements to cover art and some bug fixes.



Cover Art Improvements 

In this release we have added FanArt as a cover art source, FanArt provide high quality 1000x1000px images keyed by MusicBrainz Release Group Id, this means than unlike the Cover Art Archive there is only one standard image for all versions of a release.

So we still prefer the cover art provided by Cover Art Archive keyed by the MusicBrainz Release Id as this more accurately can represent the particular version of the release you have, but we if there is no artwork we then check FanArt in preference to Discogs because the artwork is usually of a higher quality.

We have also have increased the default maximum image size from 1000 x1000 to 1200 x 1200. This is because the Cover Art Archive provides images as 1200 x 1200 thumbnails if the original image is
large enough, so then we don’t have to do the resizing ourselves, instead we can directly use the thumbnails provided by Covert Art Archive.

Bug Regressions

We have fixed an issue with the highlighters not working, and some problems with the new sorting/syncing introduced in Jaikoz 11.1.

View Artwork Full Size now automatically scales the image if there is not enough room onscreen to show the image in its native size.


JAIKOZ-1395 1 Exception when load new files with DuplicateAcoustid Highlighter enabled

JAIKOZ-1394 1 When artwork is larger than 1000 pixels the View Artwork Full Size doesnt show whole image

JAIKOZ-1392 RowSorter Exception

JAIKOZ-1390 Regression:Highlight Field Not working


JAIKOZ-1397 1 Add support for Fanart.tv Cover art, when it has the artwork it is always of high quality, keyed by MusicBrainz ReleaseGroupId so a good fit.

JAIKOZ-1393 Change the default max size of artwork to 1200 so dont need to resize if getting large thumbnails from Caa



Tuesday 8 March 2022

Jaikoz 11.2.0 Swans released March 8th 2022


Jaikoz 11.2.0 Swans released March 8th 2022

Modern Unified Look

This new Jaikoz release now has the same two modern unified look and feels for all platforms. There is a Light and a Dark look that look very similar regardless of if you are on MacOS, Windows or Linux, but all key bindings work correctly for the platform


Bug Fixes
We also fix a few problems found with Jaikoz 11.1.0


JAIKOZ-1378 Sorter Error on close

JAIKOZ-1376 Exception after removing custom tables when detail panel enabled

JAIKOZ-1375 SplitBars controls dont let proportions to be changed on Mac Dark mode and Linux plastic Laf

JAIKOZ-1374 Fixes for FlatLaf Dark Mode on MacOS


JAIKOZ-1379 On MacOS allow to select Light/Dark different to MacOS appearance

JAIKOZ-1355 Use FlatLaf Look for all platforms

JAIKOZ-1354 Create Dark Mode for all platforms


Thursday 3 March 2022

Jaikoz 11.1 Hole released March 3rd 2022

Pleased to announce a major release of Jaikoz 

This release has three main areas of focus: 

 Improvements to User Interface

We now support the main view/edit table being multi tabbed so now you can view many fields without having to scroll to the right, the tabs are fully configurable and you can have as few or many as you like, see here for details. 

Perhaps the most requested feature has now been done, we now support  multiple column sorting for more details 


SongKong Compatibility

Jaikoz and SongKong have similar matching algorithms and support the same metadata fields, but they were doing things a bit differently. Some customers use both applications and this meant that if you matched your library in SongKong and then updated them in Jaikoz some fields would get modified, then if you updated in SongKong they would get modified again, this release aims to eliminate this yo-yo ing. We also have modified the default settings of Jaikoz to better match the SongKong default profile 

Additionally we have added full support for release level performers and Discogs performers to match SongKong 


Bug Fixing

We have updated the jaudiotagger music tagging library, this has over twenty fixes since the last Jaikoz release, and we have fixed a number of Jaikoz bugs recently reported by customers.


JAIKOZ-1371 Synchronize row sorting between views, should attempt to sync scrolling when on same table AND tab

JAIKOZ-1368 If Classical:Copy Work to Grouping isSupport is set to MP3 and AIF should apply to all ID3 formats

JAIKOZ-1361 Jaikoz not adding Bpm unless it is within the Albunack Db Cache

JAIKOZ-1357 Low level fixes for audio format issues

JAIKOZ-1350 Fixed some issues with MusicBrainz Performers

JAIKOZ-1346 Changes tab on detail panel only the shows the first value (for multi field valueds such as instrument)

JAIKOZ-1345 Cell Editor for Instrument field only allows editing of one field

JAIKOZ-1344 Match Songs to Selected Release in Manual Tag from Musicbrainz only works if Row No then Select columns are visible

JAIKOZ-1343 Even if set to zero if MP4 has a compilation field it is shown as compilation in Jaikoz

JAIKOZ-1341 Classical:Remove Composers from Album Artist alwasy enabled even if unset

JAIKOZ-1338 If have invalid Acoustid user key Jaikoz does not report that when you try and Submit Acoustid /Mb Id Pairs

JAIKOZ-1219 MacOS Mojave:Column Sorter not working reliably


JAIKOZ-1373 MacOS:For Dark mode move from Darcula to FlatLafDark

JAIKOZ-1367 Better match defaults to SongKong Default profile defaults

JAIKOZ-1363 For ID3 save Media as plain text instead of mapping to list

JAIKOZ-1360 IsCompilation, IsGreatestHits fields should be set to zero if not true rather than not being set at all

JAIKOZ-1358 Add autopopulation of Amazon Id (ASIN)

JAIKOZ-1349 Add support for Discogs performers

JAIKOZ-1348 Jaikoz not adding artist wikipedia or official site urls

JAIKOZ-1342 Add Hide Column option to the column header

JAIKOZ-1340 Add -d start folder option that would replace the value of startRead Folder


JAIKOZ-1234 Albunack should store release level performer credits

JAIKOZ-0612 Move fields from Audio tab in to the main View/Edit displays

JAIKOZ-0604 Add freely configurable panes/tabs/grid views

JAIKOZ-0576 Support Multi-Column Sorting

JAIKOZ-0006 Add predefined column sets to Table Preferences such as 'iTunes view'

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