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Monday 11 October 2010

iTunes can now export m3u playlists !

Smoother integration with iTunes is always something I endeavour to achieve, but iTune's doesn't make it easy. One longstanding problem was that iTunes playlists could only be exported in iTune's proprietry format which could not be read by Jaikoz.

I was looking at plugging this gap today, but whilst playing with iTunes 10 I noticed that when you save a playlist that there is now an option to save the playlist in m3u format

So the problem is solved because the contents of a m3u playlist can be opened in Jaikoz either using File/Open Playlist or by a simple drag and drop.

Now it would be really great if you could just drag a playlist directly from iTunes to Jaikoz, but that is not possible at the moment because of a bug in iTunes drag and drop support.

1 comment:

Paul Taylor said...

With the release of Jaikoz 3.8.1 I have managed to get dragging playlists from iTunes to Jaikoz working, but only on Windows.

If you drag a playlist from iTunes to Jaikoz , Jaikoz receives the drop event but no actual data because of a bug in iTunes. But now id this occurs we assume it was an iTunes drop and query iTune s itself to see if it is open with a playlist selected and if so open the contents of the playlist in Jaikoz.

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