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Friday 12 February 2021

SongKong Magdalene 7.1 Released 22nd January 2021

This release is very much focused on improving integrating with the roon 20 music player and server. You can load your music library into roon and it will try and automatically match them to its database, but you will get better results if you run SongKong on your music files first

Although focused on roon most of the improvements have been applied in a general way that can be useful for many non-roon applications, and we also have some MinimServer specific improvements

We have also add a new roon category 16 to the forum. There are some new articles about SongKong with Roon, but all you really to do to get good results is use the new Roon, Fix Songs profile




  • [SONGKONG-952 2] - Save a SongKong Id to files so can be found even if moved by iTunes, and know if has been processed.
  • [SONGKONG-1018 2] - Give option to make Artist separate values like Artists field
  • [SONGKONG-1259 1] - Roon:Use INVOLVEDPEOPLE instead of PERFORMER
  • [SONGKONG-1741 5] - Roon:Add Recording Date and Location
  • [SONGKONG-1898] - Add Sort Fields for important Non Performer Roles.
  • [SONGKONG-1921 1] - Roon: Add roles such as PRODUCER as both individual field and INVOLVEDPEOPLE on all formats
  • [SONGKONG-2025 3] - Roon:Look at better integration with ROON Section tag
  • [SONGKONG-2135] - Add option to FixSongs to Ignore Previously Checked Files that were Not Matched.
  • [SONGKONG-2136] - MinimServer:For ID3 write performers to a PERFORMER field
  • [SONGKONG-2137] - Roon:Modify ORIGINAL_ALBUM_DATE mapping to ORIGINALRELEASEDATE so picked up by Roon
  • [SONGKONG-2139] - Classical matcher check for Genre =Classique
  • [SONGKONG-2140] - Roon:Added support for roon VERSION field
  • [SONGKONG-2141] - Roon:Added support for roon LIVE field
  • [SONGKONG-2148] - Need a way to empty specific fields
  • [SONGKONG-2149 1] - Roon:Add ARTISTATIST_SORT/ARTISTS,ARTISTS_SORT to never populate for Classical
  • [SONGKONG-2150] - BrowseByArtist needs to allow for AlbumArtist could now being multiple value


  • [SONGKONG-2143] - IS_SOUNDTRACK field not getting added whe matched to MusicBrainz
  • [SONGKONG-2144] - Undercounting number of fields by one when writing Flac files without a VENDOR string




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