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Thursday 30 January 2014

The Components of the Filename

There is sometimes some confusion about how SongKong views filenames so I'm going to try and explain with an example. The starting point of SongKong is to select a folder to process - we shall call this the Root Folder. Then SongKong tries to guess what part of the folder path contains metadata such as Artist name or Album name and which part does not contain metadata. It then splits the folder path into Base Folder and Sub Folder with the Sub Folder containing the part matching the metadata and the Base Folder not.

Then as files within the root folder are loaded into SongKong they will all have the same Root Folder. They will all have the same starting Sub Folder but it will have any additional subfolders appended to it. The last part of the path is termed the Filename.

The root/sub folder divide is important because if your songs are renamed from metadata only the sub folder part is renamed from your metadata in contrast if your songs are moved only the root folder is changed.

Now an example:

Root Folder:/Music/Blur
Base Folder:/Music
Sub Folder   :Blur

Files within /Music/Blur such as

/Music/Blur/ParkLife/Girl & Boys.mp3

would be split as:

Base Folder:/Music
Sub Folder  :Blur/ParkLife
Filename      :Girl & Boys.mp3

Hope that clarifies things.

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