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Friday 12 December 2014

Improvements to Deleting Duplicates with SongKong 3.5

SongKong 3.5 released today, in previous releases the main focus has been on improving the Fix Songs task but in this release we wanted to review other part of the application application, especially Delete Duplicates Songs

Delete Duplicate Songs

First of all we found some bugs in Delete Duplicates that have now been fixed.

The help for Delete Duplicates has been completely rewritten to give more detail and make more sense for non-MusicBrainzers and additional checks and balances have been added to make Delete Duplicates work better in Trial mode.

The we added a new option to Song is a duplicate if has same called Same song (metadata only). This is very similar to Same MusicBrainz song only for finding duplicate songs without being concerned about albums, but without the need to match the songs to MusicBrainz first (although we would always recommend using the MusicBrainz based options whenever possible)


Help has been edited, including simplification of the terminology such as using Album instead of Release and Song instead of Recording. We have added a Pdf version accessible from the Help menu for some bedtime reading, but seriously the Pdf version works well if you want a paper copy of the SongKong manual.

Fix Songs

But despite what I say at the start of this post we have made some improvements to FixSongs as well, these include some major performance improvements based on improvements we made in Jaikoz 8.

Full list of improvements and fixes can be seen here

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