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Friday 9 September 2016

SongKong 4.0 now released with Classical support

We are pleased to announce that a major new version of SongKong is available today

The main focus of this release is support for Classical Music tagging. Classical Music has never been as well supported in taggers, players or indeed any aspect of recording music as Popular Music but with this version of SongKong we aim to address that.

We will discuss Classical in more detail in other post but there are some key improvements that we list here:
  • SongKong now identifies when a song is classical music 
  • When identified instead of just using the composer as the track artist by default it now adds the performers, orchestra and conductor, but you can configure to keep on using composer if you wish.
  • Works, movements, part, part numbers and part types are now added in their own fields
  • Orchestra and Opus now have their own fields
  • SingleDiscTrackNo now stores the trackno as if it is ona single disc release
  • Performers are added with their instruments, with additional fields to indicate if they are credited soloists or not.
We also make some general matching improvements.

The reports now let you play your songs from within the report to make it easier to check results. This works for all formats that html supports (mp3, wav, ogg, mp4)

We also provide a linux version that can be installed when you only have a command line and no gui (also known as a headless server). SongKong has always had the ability to be run from the command line but previously the installer itself needed a Gui.

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