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Wednesday 5 March 2014

Secret genre option in SongKong

Genre support in SongKong is quite simple at the moment, it does not currently have the same genre options as Jaikoz because I'm looking for something simpler but more effective then we have in Jaikoz.

Currently if you start Fix Songs then select the Update Genres option on the first tab it will update the genre from the Discogs Style field but only if the genre field in your song is empty.

However there is an option you can use that is just missing from the UI to overwrite the genre at all times as follows:

Simply add the line


to your user copy of songkong.properties

this can be found in the following places depending on OS

From Finder, hold down Option Button and select Go menu
Select Library from the list
Go to Preferences : SongKong

Windows 7/8

Go to C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\SongKong

Go to $HOME/.songkong

Any suggestions for how you would like genre support implemented, just let me know.

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