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Wednesday 11 February 2015

More improvements with SongKong Music Tagger 3.12

The new release can be downloaded here

Regressions fixed

In 3.11 we made a change so that if your songs already had a MusicBrainz or Discogs Id we considered that release as a release candidate  even if it wasn't found as a potential match in the normal way. But we didn't get this quite right, the problem was that if you have Only allow match if all tracks on album were matched enabled then SongKong should reject any release that has more tracks that the song grouping you are trying to match to it. But a release found by existing id was circumventing this check. Now fixed by:


SongKong always writing genres as number if in Standard genre list

 Mp3s make use of a standard genre list and if your genre is in the list SongKong actually stores the associated number rather than the text, for example it would store 17 instead of Rock (if your genre is not in the list it stores the text). However some applications such as iTunes don't understand the numbers properly if  Save:Save songs so they work best with iTunes is enabled SongKong should always writes genres as text even if they are in the known list. This was not working but it now


SongKong not loading some Mp3s with bad metadata

We have also improved how SongKong loads mp3s so it can cope with songs with corrupted metadata.


SongKong should only add Bpm for songs that do not have it

In the last release we added support for adding the Bpm for songs (Pro version only) but now modified it so that it only adds Bpm if the song does not already have a Bpm.


Full list of fixes in the Issue Tracker 

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